美商global trading systems在台辦事處


地 址:台北市松山區台北市健康路47號5樓

電 話:02-87123162

傳 真


類 別


網 站http://www.gts-us.com

服務時間週一 至 週五 09:00 ~ 18:30,休息時間:12:00 ~ 13:30


GTS offers both international business and technology services. We can provide a full range of offerings from software development, systems integration and implementation to training and after-sales support. In addition to understanding hardware, software and networks, we understand the consumer goods businesses on a global scale. When it comes to our business, we offer our customers a powerful resource and a recipe for success. Listed below is a comprehensive list of services we offer our clients. Please contact us for more info. PLM ‘Maturity Capability’ Reviews Business Process Reviews Business Requirements Definition Mapping PLM Roadmaps and Project Plans Application and Technical Architecture Application Design Build Data Conversion Documentation Application Functional Performance Testing Training User Support Telephone HOT-LINE (Business Hours) Software Error Correction Remote Access and On-site Support Implementation Support New Releases/Product Enhancements/New Products

(更新 2024-04-29) 美商global trading systems在台辦事處 相關網站列表
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      電話:02-87123162    地址:台北市松山區台北市健康路47號5樓

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    9. 澄運貿易有限公司

      本公司為美商貿易公司駐台辦事處,求職者請備詳細履歷email:[email protected]

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